Welcome to Stowe’s Art & Antiques
At Stowe’s Art & Antiques, we turn second hand shopping into a museum experience. Since 1990, we’ve served as a premier Antique and Art Store in Ottawa and NW Ohio. We’re committed to providing high-quality antiques and collectibles and artwork to the community displayed in an 1880s German Victorian Brick Farmhouse. The restored old farmhouse is also the studio of well known artist Bruce James Stowe . You will find fine ANRi wood carvings, Findlay glass, Labino’s signed masterpieces in glass, Indian Artifacts from the area going back over10,000 years, original art and much more! Although he is open almost every day and the weekends we still recommend calling first as hours are not set in stone...419 796-8758. Look for The “open and welcome sign” next to scenic highway State Route 15 ( which is Defiance Street just north of St. Route 65 ). stoweart.com
Shop with Confidence
Bruce accepts commissions for portraits, murals of almost any size, and much more in oils, acrylics, and watercolor.

Please, Contact Bruce at 419 796-8758 Or stoweart@bright.net
Thank you for your interest in Stowe’s Art & Antiques. For more information about purchasing or donating your items contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to answer any questions.
934 N Defiance St
Ottawa, Putnam County 45875
419 796-8758